Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Self-help and personal growth book editing and proofreading

I've been noticing lately a huge number of new writing projects that involve self help or personal growth. That's great for me, because I love editing and proofreading these kinds of books. As a philosophy/religion major with an esoteric bent and interest in mysticism, I can't think of a better way to spend my day than perusing a self-help book.

However - unfortunately, many authors seems to be churning out self-help manuscripts intent on writing a best-seller and making lots of money, rather than actually saying something interesting. And so some of the books I'm getting are really about 100K of fluff - which is a waste of my time (and the author's).

Yes, self-help books can be very profitable. Everybody likes to read about how they can fulfill their dreams and get whatever they want, and will always be interested in learning new skills to make that happen.

But if you want them to buy your book, you need to provide them with something in return! Here are some tips.
1)You must teach some practical skill, tip or technique. Everybody knows the common "think positively" or "imagine what you want" or "never give up" bs. You need something more clever, something new. You need a principle, or a 5-step process, or 10 rules to live by. Something concrete, yet simple.

2) In the introduction, tell readers all about the book, what they will learn, what you will provide, you're 7 steps or whatever. Don't 'withhold' - give. Entice.

3) Every chapter should be about one thing and one thing only. Explain it (in your own words!!) for several pages BEFORE you get into analogies, examples, parables and anecdotes. I've seen self-help books that are ONLY analogies, examples, parables and anecdotes... without any content. Make sure your examples are uplifting, motivational, specific, and true - and relevant to what you are saying.

4) Be simple. Write in a clean, conversational tone. Many of the best selling self-help books in the world have been kid-stuff, like 'how moved my cheese' or 'the alchemist' or 'Jonathan livingston seagull'. (And if you haven't read those - you should).

If you have a you have a self-help or personal growth book you need editing and proofreading for, or if you have any other great project that you need edited, contact me at teosocrates(at)yahoo.com, or visit my website www.paper-perfect-editing.com for a free and instant price quote.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks a lot for a bunch of good tips. I look forward to reading more on the topic in the future. Keep up the good work! This blog is going to be great resource. Love reading it.
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